I have seen a buffalo (not a carabao I think) being milked. Sir Roy let us experience milking the animal but I did not try it because I found it cruel as I have seen in the eyes of the buffalo it was stressed. I learned that it is because of the different hands milking it. Aside from that, I think the milk shoud go to the baby buffaloes because it was intended for them, and not for us humans. PETA people might not like it too I guess.
I also learned that there are different species of bamboos and it also seeds. Seeds of bamboos do not propagate. Sir Roy also showed us the jethropas and organic pigs, as they called it. It was surprising the pigs did not stink. The veterinarian guy explained it was because they are vegetarian. The pigs are only fed with cabbages and banana leaves. This explains why they are called "organic." I wonder if sharks and crocodiles could be vegetarians too. How about Caesar's salad for lions?
Sir Roy treated us lunch in the school canteen. The kare-kare and tilapia are delicious. Sir Roy revealed to us that the rice and vegetables used in kare-kare and the tilapias we ate were harvested from the school's yard. Later Sir Roy showed us the fishpond and the rice fields. i thought it's already a self-supporting community.
The surprise did not end there. On the last part of the trip, Sir Roy introduced us the PAC's own training bank. The bank operates like the banks we know. It lends the faculty, staff and students and also let them save. Amazing isn't it? It was like an autonomous community and not really a school.
What amazed me so much with the school is the dedication of the PAC people in their work and improvement of the school, which also benefits the whole society later on. They work selflessly with every project. If it were in other schools, I think staffs and students would rather work somewhere else where they can earn money for themselves. But in PAC, it is purely for the benefit of the school and of the agriculture industry. These were the people i hope to live with in our country. Not the ones using road projects for the benefit of their own real estate properties.
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